CAMOAS (Flavoxat 200mg)

  • Code: TN-01
  • Ingredient : Flavoxat 200mg
  • Specifications : Box of 3 blisters x 10 tabs
  • Point :

    • CAMOAS is indicated for symptomatic relief of dysuria, urgency, nocturia, suprapubic pain, frequency and incontinence as may occur in cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, urethrocystitis/ urethrotrigonitis.
    • Support antispasmodic treatment in diseases such as: Kidney stones; ureteral stones; spasmodic disorders of urinary tract due to urinary catheterization, bladder stones and sequelae of lower urinary tract surgery. Reduces spasms in the female genital tract such as menstrual pain, pelvic pain, hypertonia and uterine motility disorders.

Product description

1. Composition: Flavoxate hydrochloride 200 mg
2. Dosage form: Film-coated tablet
3. Indication:
- CAMOAS is indicated for the symptomatic relief of dysuria, urgency, nocturia, frequency and incontinence as may occur in pathologies of the bladder and prostate such as cystitis, vesical pain, prostatitis, urethritis, urethro-cystitis and urethrotrigonitis.
- Support antispasmodic therapy in pathologies such as: nephrolithiasis and ureteral stones, urinary spasmodic disorders due to catheterization or cystoscopy and in sequelae of lower urinary tract surgery.
- Reduce spasmodic conditions in the female genital tract such as: pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, increased tone and uterine dyskinesia.

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