PROCTO3 REPORT AT Gastroenterology, Hepatobiliary, and Biliary Department - FV HOSPITAL

On November 15, 2023, CPDP Medbolide Company held a seminar at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of FV Hospital: introducing Proct03 product - a new solution for the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids and other diseases. inflammation, anal fissures. The report was chaired by Head of the Department of BS.CK2 Bui Nhuan Quy, attracting the participation of all doctors in the Department.

The seminar highlighted the characteristics of the Proct03 product, a quality product from Europe, certified to ISO 13485 - the International standard for medical equipment, ensuring EU-GMP production processes. Proct03 product heals wounds quickly, shrinks and eliminates swelling quickly, quickly reduces symptoms of pain, burning, redness, and itching in the anus and around the anus with 100% natural active ingredients.

After the report, Medbolide and doctors had a lively discussion about the effectiveness, safety and usage of Proct03 product. Doctors highly appreciate the product and wish Proct03 to be present at the Hospital to serve patients. Medbolide would like to sincerely thank the Doctors for taking the time to participate and contribute valuable comments to the conference. At the same time, Medbolide also sent deep gratitude to the Faculty for creating favorable conditions for the conference to take place successfully.

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