POZIATS Report – Department of General Internal Medicine, Cho Ray Hospital

On the morning of July 12, 2019, Medbolide Joint Stock Company held a report introducing the product POZIATS (Aripiprazole 10mg) at the Department of General Internal Medicine Cho Ray Hospital, with the participation of BSCKII. Le Trung Nhan (Head of Department) and 20 treating doctors.

Here, the novelty, effectiveness, wide spectrum of indications and safety of the active ingredient Aripiprazole and the competitive advantages of Poziats products were presented by representatives of CPDP Medbolide company. The reported NCLS results clearly show the difference of Aripiprazole in improving bipolar disorder, autism, depression, schizophrenia, Tourette syndrome, and psychosis due to alcohol and substance abuse. addictive compared to other antipsychotic active ingredients.

After listening to the report, the doctors had more in-depth discussions about the actual disease patterns at the hospital, current medications, and advantages and disadvantages. The representative of CPDP Medbolide Company also shared more about effective clinical cases on patients using Poziats, and emphasized the spirit of community service, accompanying psychotic patients with supportive policies. desire to improve the quality of life of patients in particular and Vietnamese society in general.

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